Final Review and Final Posts
Class Brief
Tools for creating interaction design are increasingly available without the resources of the University; tools like reprogrammable micro-controllers, sensors, actuators and extensive programming environments. What cannot be fully evaluated by Internet content alone are hands-on techniques for making hardware (for which the market is exploding) and constraints dictated by social, economic, site and use issues, to name a few.
Haptic Action is presented as a sandbox to develop this awareness, identify and strengthen personal limitations in the development of finished prototypes of great effect and affect. Projects were developed through de facto designer/client relationships.
May 6th, 4-6pm Final Presentations to the SHARK TANK!, Room 121 Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall [1st floor, closest room to the swimming pool in the UC.]
4-4:10 :: Mingle, Meet, Greet
4:10 - 4:20 :: Introduction of Clients and Course Objectives
4:20 -4:50 [ Ten minute break ] 5-5:30 :: Project Presentations in which you will have 5 minutes to present to the collective clients as much as you can conveying the choices you made in your design, from the broad concept to the little details, particularly relating to the clients needs, affordances and constraints. You may include any additional media of your choice.
After this, the SHARK TANK will have 10 minutes for questions and comments. They will be scoring your work as part of the grading. This means they need to get a clear picture, in just 5 minutes!
5:30 - 6 :: Audience participation and wrap.
**Audio and video are available. We will meet at 3:30
May 10th, midnight deadline Final Posts:
- Ethnographic Findings
- Explanation of Design Choices
- Design Sketches 2D & 3D
- Process Images and description
- <=60 second video, edited, posted to YouTube or Vimeo.
Assignment 8: Interactive blocks
Due: 3/6, demo to class
- 2 blocks
- Made of at least two materials (wood, plastic, metal)
- Must "interact"
- At least one interaction must be electronic, the other may be electronic or physical
- No pre-manufactured buttons/switches (you've been lazy!)
- Must be self powered and self contained
- Each block must effect a different sense (sight, smell, touch, sound….taste?) when acted upon
- Must not shock your instructors if they are to "taste" them.
Assignment 7: Egg Drop
Where: CFA Staircase
Option A: w&&m&&p, "Container," 1 input>1 output, less finished
Option B: wllmllp, "Container," 1 input>1 output, highly finished
NO foam, rubber, bubble wrap pack or other padding on the OUTSIDE.
When: 2.27.2014 THURSDAY
What make's the difference? Weight!
Field Trip 1: Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
On Tuesday February 25, please show up at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh by 2pm. We will start at 2pm. Please meet in the lobby by the big metal bird. It is about 20 mins by car from CMU and 45 mins by bus. Think about carpooling if you have a class that ends at 1:20pm. You are also encourages to use a ZipCar, Lyft, or UberX to get there as well as bike.
Please txt or email either Nina or Zack if you can't make it before hand. We do not want to take up our hosts' time. We will be meeting with Anne Fullencamp and Lisa Carvajal. Both work in the Museum Experiences department.
You can currently apply for their TOUGH Art residency.
Assignment 6.2: Community Engagement
Assignment 6: Community Engagement
I am going to elaborate this a bit since it is now homework. Before you do this, remember to also post your definition of community engagement.
Take a website and break it into a tangible thing.
1. Pick a non-profit, community engaging website. For example:
2. Decipher some poignant info from the site, such as:
- Who are the Donors?
- Is there Embedded Learning? What is the shared info?
- What is the mission or the goals of the organization?
- Who do they serve?
- Why are you attracted this organization or website?
3. Your Design.
Keep in mind:
- How is this a showcase of your work?
- Where is your signature?
Keep in mind the Budget
- Dream BIG =>Cut Back
So the deliverables will be:
2 Designs
First design is the DREAM BIG version
Second design is the CUT BACK version. Think about what you can make for $500.
Please post a DRAWING of each as well as what you have deciphered. Also, write about your designs and how they would communicate what you deciphered.
Assignment 5: Take a Leak
Andre: 80% success: Shellac, Silicone, "Glue & Screw"
Austin: 30% success: Silicone
Anderinsola: 46% success: Silicone
Ramya: 70% success: NeverWet, Liner (plastic bag)
Subjective Quals:
- Function
- Efficiency
- Craft
- Form
Now that some of you know something about leaky containers and how to finish them… make one wood, one plastic, and one metal* vessel. That is, holds liquid. Note, most vessels you're aware of, keep liquids on one side, not just inside… We will test this. In addition, you are required to make one Arduino interaction of your choice: One input and one output on one circuit. Make sure your vessels are large enough to contain the Arduino board, any additional circuits or breadboards, and a 9v battery. They must live without external power.
*Welding: We are limited to welding when Larry is in the shop. Zack can schedule up to 4 hours total on Friday and Monday to get you in. If you can't make that time, make your metal box through other means.
Assignment 4: Make It Nice.
Read Shaping Things by Bruce Sterling. Here is the PDF.
What did we learn….
- fonts tell the meaning of the words
- technosocial: social and moral effects of SPIMES vs Artifacts, Machines, Products, Gizmos
- cognitive loading vs/ opportunity costs: how is my profession involved in my life?
- impacts vs/ pervasiveness: noted change vs silently introduced paradigm shifts
- we can't accept what we can't imagine
- participate in the design of the world vs/ participate in the designed world
- lego…change for better or worse?
Elbow Grease. Take one piece of wood, steel, and plastic. Shape it to be "nice in your hand." This needs to be a completely finished. Use your human factors expertise to lead your design choices.
Tool set can be what ever you want it to be.
Wood must have a clear finish. Use the Shellac. (Pst, it's from beetles.)
Plastic should have the Krylon metallic spray paint for its finish.
Metal least one face should be a mirror finish. For the sanding, use 250, wet sanding to make it really shiny.
What did we learn…
- wrong tool = more work
- do a test piece first
- we can visually gauge when to do what
- spray paint doesn't necessarily help, a.k.a. you can't polish a turd
- Rule of 3: Guess how long a process will take, then multiply it by 3 and you know what you're in for
Winner ANDRE!!! gets a Arduino Micro that doubles his computational power in this class while halving his footprint…
Blog. Post your process. Post finished finished objects. Post more to WhoMadeThat?
Assignment 3: Human Factors due 1/28 as a blog post.
Read the links below. Re-design and fabricate A2 using feedback from class and any new tools you have access to. Feel free to expand your material pallet. Write (50-100 words) about how the readings 1) effected your re-design and/or 2) inform ways in which you can proceed to a phase 2/3 prototype. As always, post sketches, process photos and images of your next-phase prototype.
Assignment 2: The Cold Weather Wearable Challenge Due 1.21
This weather sucks. Using the 2D to 3D sketching techniques we discussed on 1.16, create a wearable, analog device that addresses issues of finding basic form. Not only should these devices fit, and be comfortable (or intentionally uncomfortable) but they should clever address aspects of this cold weather. For example, the wind in your face, the bright snow blinding you on the treacherous streets of PGH. There are infinite external effectors you could consider. Design accordingly.
Use the materials provided in class and introduce any others you'd like to. Document your process and post to the site under "Your name: A2"
We will photograph YOU WEARING YOUR WORK Tuesday. This image will become your bio pic for this website. So make something you're proud of.
Martin Heidegger's: "The Thing"
Class Syllabus: (subject to change)
Haptic Actions: T, Th 1:30-3:20 CFA 212
Course Site:
Nina Marie Barbuto:
Zack Jacobson-Weaver:
Course Goals:
- Develop skills in 3D object fabrication and workflows for electronic interaction devices.
- Apply those skill to the creation of functional prototypes providing a solution for client-defined problems.
- Evaluate work based on formal and subjective application concerns.
Basic Course Materials [not optional]: Sketchbook, Pencils (not pens), Safety glasses, Dial Calipers
Basic Course Schedule: Tuesdays: Lecture, Seminar, Discussion, Field Trip, [or work]
Thursdays: Workshops, Demonstrations, Assignments [or work]
Course Schedule:
This schedule may be interrupted for shop orientations and training conducted by the director of each space.
T1.14 Intro, Administrative, Course Expectations and Discussion.
- Microcontrollers
- Electronics
- Digital Modeling
- Wood shop
Assignment: Read The Thing by Heidegger
TH1.16 Sketching 2D to 3D and Form Finding
“Fail early. Fail Often.”.
Assignment: The cold weather wearable challenge.
T1.21 Human Factors:
TH1.23 Finishing: Metal, Wood, Plastic POTENTIAL WOODSHOP ORIENTATION
Getting the hardest part over first.
Assignment: Can touch this
The wood shop vortex
Over the weekend. Go to this:
TH2.13 Joining: Metal, Wood, Plastic
Putting the parts together.
Assignment: Three vessels, weather proof...
T2.18 Community Engangement: Lecture
TH2.20 Shaping and Forming: Metal, Wood, Plastic
Adding complexity to parts.
Assignment: Shock-proof = Kid Proof
T2.25 Children's museum field trip. STARTS at 2pm sharp. Stay until 4. "Debrief" after...
TH2.28 Egg Drop Test
Learn how things go together
Assignment: Modular Blocks
T3.4 Digitizing: Clay: Earth’s Gift to Designers
The Matrix has you.
Assignment: Digitize one rectilinear and one amorphous clay model
TH3.6 Interactive Blocks Demo. Client List Brief.
//F3.7 Midterm Grades Due
//F3.7 Midterm Grades Due
T3.18 Meeting the PGH Community: Clients
TH3.20 Digitizing: Clay: Earth’s Gift to Designers
The Matrix has you.
Assignment: Digitize one rectilinear and one amorphous clay model
T3.25 Initial client pairings, 1-on-2 talks
TH3.27 The Eagle Has Landed: PCB Design. [Guest Teacher Mauricio Contreras]
Re-Shaping internals according to new possibilities.
Assignment: Design a PCB
TH4.1 Laser and Lightsaber: Metal, Wood, Plastic
Wheels Already Invented: Incorporating Hardware
Wheels Already Invented: Incorporating Hardware
2-1/2d Digital Fabrication Tools
Assignment: Research for Final, Consult, Acquire.
TH4.3 CNC: Metal, Wood, Plastic
Positive and Negative Digital Fabrication and Taking the Rapid Out of Rapid Prototyping
Assignment: Re-imagine final process: Sketch workflow.
T4.8 Final Project Consults/Work
TH4.10 Final Project Consults/Work
T4.15 Final Project Consults/Work
TH4.17 Final Project Consults/Work
T4.23 Final Project Consults/Work
TH4.25 Final Project Consults/Work
T4.30 Final Project Consults/Work
Attendance and participation in all class sessions is mandatory. Class begins at 1:30 pm and continues through 3:20 pm. Frequent absences, late arrivals or lack of attention and engagement during class are not viable options. Excessive tardiness may lead to a grade penalty at the discretion of the instructor; unexcused or excessive absences will lead to a grade penalty; more than three absences may lead to failure of the course. If you are unable to attend a class, email both your instructor and your TAs in advance and follow up with your TAs to obtain information on what you missed and to get extra help. It is your responsibility to obtain information and assignments you miss through absence or lateness, to make up all work missed in class and keep up with all assignments throughout the semester.
We use email as a means to distribute course information; you are responsible for checking email often to obtain this information. I welcome other forms of communication as per your documentation methods, i.e. social media.
All assignments are to be handed in as a hard copy (i.e. physical drawing or model) and a digital file (emailed to TA team). Work that is late, incomplete or not submitted in both formats will result in a deduction of your project grade at the discretion of the instructor.
Evaluation is based largely upon effort. Effort includes, but is not limited to: active engagement in the studio, critical and analytical thinking in regards to your work and the work of your colleagues, creative risk, self-motivation and enthusiasm in working on your projects, multiple iterations during the design process, level of investment and effort in your design work, participation in class discussions and participation in critical review of student work. Students are encouraged to exploit their own creative skills and intellectual interests as they work on studio projects. As our student population comes to the class from a diverse range of majors, we will have a diverse range of creative skills. In evaluating student performance, the level of inquiry, investigation of ideas and continual development of each project is most important (process over product).
Grading Standards:
A – Excellent work. Initiative and inventiveness beyond the expectations of the project statements. Consistently achieving work of great creativity, maturity and enlightened invention. Significant understanding of the projects, conceptual clarity and excellent progress throughout the semester. Attended by an attitude of self-motivated exploration, open-mindedness, and a willingness to benefit from criticism. Professional conduct and
consistent leadership and participation in class discussion and critique.
B – Very good work. Work displays consistent competence, convincing development and comprehensive resolution. Thorough understanding of the projects, conceptual foundation and good progress throughout the semester. Open, inquisitive attitude, self-motivated exploration and a willingness to benefit from criticism. Professional conduct and consistent participation in class discussion and critique.
C – Satisfactory, adequate work. Meets the minimum requirements of the course. Solid exploration towards the resolution of projects. Demonstrates adequate understanding of projects, with moderate progress and development throughout the semester. This grade represents the average solution.
D – Passing work. Work that is complete, but demonstrates deficient effort and progress. Work often attended with closed-minded attitude with respect to criticism and self-motivation. Although technically passing, work demonstrates a lack of commitment to the course and its objectives. Displays lack of professional conduct and lack of active engagement in class.
R - Repeat. Work that is unsatisfactory, does not meet the requirements of the projects or course, and demonstrates a serious deficiency in effort or is incomplete. Unprofessional conduct and lack of engagement in class.
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